Inner Vows & Judgments 

& Prayer to Break Agreement With Inner Vows

Inner Healing Inner Healing Issues

What Is An Inner Vow & How Does It Work?

An inner vow is a binding promise we make to ourselves as a way to guard or protect ourselves from difficult, frustrating, and/or hurtful people* or situations we face.  * This can also be painful and humiliating kinds of people who cause us extreme emotional distress. The frustrations from unfulfilled expectations and unmet needs can also become grounds by which we step into making an inner vow. But inner vows are a personal choice. We make them; they are not forced on us.

Inner vows are deeply held promises, commitments or declarations we make to ourselves, often arising from a mix of fear, pain, and the desire to protect oneself from further harm, hurt or disappointment. These personal choices stem from past experiences we had that were difficult, painful or traumatic. We want to avoid such things ever happening again and so we put up walls to make sure of we are protected. 

By nature, an inner vow is a denial that God is in the picture as our Protector and Advocate and therefore it is a taking of things into “my” own hands as if “I” am the only one person in this world who can protect myself. They often involve rigid language like "never" or "always," and can be made consciously or unconsciously. Examples include "I'll NEVER trust anyone again," "I'll NEVER be like my parents," or "I'll ALWAYS put myself first." These personal decisions can shape our responses to situations and relationships in profound ways. They can inadvertently create rigid patterns of behavior and thought that limit our freedom and flexibility in how we relate to ourselves, to others and to God.

Breaking inner vows is a journey that requires self-awareness, intentionality, humility and reliance on God's strength and guidance. It requires a desire to see people and situations from God’s perspective, not from the limited human perspective we have. As you break agreement with these vows, you can experience greater freedom, as well as healthier and deeper relationships with people and God. If you suspect inner vows are impacting your life, consider reaching out to a spiritual advisor or counselor who can support you in this process.

Why Inner Vows They Problematic?

Inner vows can create significant challenges in various areas of our lives, including:

Breaking Agreement with Inner Vows

To break agreement with inner vows and their influence, consider the following steps:

Prayers To Repent, Renounce, And Break Agreement With Inner Vows

Choose one of the prayers below. Prayer #1 is for one inner vow you are ready to confess and break agreement with, and prayer #2 is for two or more inner vows. 

Prayer #1 (Inner Vow - singular)

Father, I recognize that You are God and I am not.  Therefore, I confess to You that I have attempted to protect myself and those I love in my own strength.  Father, I repent for pushing You out of that part of my life. I repent for not trusting You and for not submitting to Your authority in my life.  I repent for thinking that I could do a better job than You of keeping me and those I love safe.  I repent for trying to rely on my own strength instead of Yours.  

Lord, I ask You to forgive me for making this inner vow: ____________________ . I renounce that vow and break my agreement with it.  

By the power in the Name of Jesus, I thank you for breaking off every negative consequence of my sin.  Thank You for breaking off every negative "habit structure of the heart" I have created.  I choose to bring every part of my life back under Your authority and protection. I choose to trust You and Your will for my life. I ask You again to be Lord over every part of my life.  

 I choose to forgive those who hurt me [name the persons]  ____________________ .

 I also choose to forgive myself for making this vow. By faith, I receive Your forgiveness and purifying work in my life. 

Thank You for Your grace and mercy.  Thank You for the Blood of Your Son covering my life.  I ask You to remove and transform my heart of stone. I ask You for a tender/sensitive new heart for You so that I can walk in Your ways. Father, I declare that You are my Rock, Shield, Fortress, and my Defender.  Thank You for setting me free today, in Jesus' mighty name.  Amen!

Prayer #2 (Inner Vows - plural)

Heavenly Father, because of the people who have hurt me during my life, I have believed lies, made inner vows and judgments that I foolishly believed would protect me from further harm. I have depended upon the power of my own will to insulate me from what others would do to me. The hardening of my heart caused by these inner vows has affected my mind, will, emotions, and body. I now see that this has caused many further problems by alienating me from the people around me. This has only led to more fear, distrust, suspicion, and hurt in my life. Father, here are the vows and judgments I have made and the lies I have believed, that You have brought to mind:  

[Confess aloud all inner vows and judgments]

In the name of Jesus Christ, I break each and every one of these inner vows, judgments, and lies and the curses they have placed on my life. I declare their power over my life to be null and void. Father, I realize that by making these inner vows, I placed my trust in them, rather than in Your power, mercy, and love. By trusting in myself instead of in You, I have created roadblocks to receiving the healing of my inner hurts and wounds that I so desperately desire. Father, I have sinned by not trusting You, and I repent of my sin right now, in the name of Jesus Christ, my Lord. It is not by my inner vows but by His stripes that I am healed.

I thank You, Father, for forgiving me of the sin of having placed my trust in something other than You. I ask that You heal my inner hurts and wounds, and remove all traces of these inner vows from my spirit so that they will never again affect me, or the people around me. Help me to quickly renew my mind so that I will not fall back into any of the old, destructive patterns of thought and behavior that were brought about by the inner vows I have now repented of and broken. I ask that You release healing and restoration into the relationships that I unwittingly have helped to destroy, through the forces set in motion by my old inner vows.

Father, give me the freedom from the past that will allow me, with Your guidance, to reconstruct every relationship that must be renewed. If any repentance is necessary on my part, please show me the timing and the extent to which You would have me repent. I lay my mind, will, emotions, and body at the foot of the Cross and await Your direction. In Jesus’ Name, I pray. Amen.

Quotes On Inner Vows & Judgments

Teaching Videos On Judgments & Inner Vows

Bible Verses Related To Inner Vows

Two Bible Stories About The Problem of Making Oaths Haphazardly: 

Articles On Inner Vows