Discipleship Dynamics

for the Discipler and the Disciple


"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Mathew 28:19-20

How Do I Sow Into The Lives Of The Ones I Disciple?

When I get the opportunity and privilege to begin discipling another person, whether a mature believer or a new believer, I want to sow into their lives by being...

STRATEGIC in what I choose to teach, model, and focus on, at any particular time

There's so many things about following Jesus that I could choose to do and focus on with this disciple at any given time but I must remember that I am laying a solid foundation of faith. This is the ground work for a healthy and established relationship with God to thrive and to lead to transformation, over time. For example, yes you could talk about spiritual warfare but why would you when the disciple is just barely beginning to learn about prayer? Pacing here is required as well. Some things need to be in place before others are introduced. Build wisely. Also, you just can't throw too much information to learn, work on, or think about because little will stay. Be strategic!

HONORING to what God is doing in that person

The Holy Spirit is already at work in that person and is already speaking to them, giving them specific interests to pursue for spiritual growth, and causing questions to arise about what this walk with Jesus will look like in the context of his/her particular life. I am therefore listening to the actual person I get to disciple, and getting them to communicate what they are sensing from God. When discipleship connects to the disciple's personal spiritual growth pursuits and interests (example: "I am interested in learning more about prayer"), and to what God may be speaking to them, they will be more willing to embrace and put into practice what they are learning. Use this to your advantage. 

OBEDIENT to God's leading (His ways, timing, and focuses for them at any particular time)

I am listening to what God may be directing me to do, share, model, etc. for that disciple. God knows the individual better than we will ever do. He knows what they are ready for, as well as what may not yet be an open door or right timing for them. 

The truth is there are also some things or areas of their life for which the disciple has no idea, experience, or insight. They may be blind to certain things, or be Biblically off in some Bible truth, doctrine, and/or approach to life. These include how they see God, how they see people, and how they see themselves. I point these out as spiritual red flags go up, but I do it with gentleness, sensitivity, and winsomeness. Sometimes I wait for readiness to hear these. I have to be sensitive to them and to God. 

Finally, part of being obedient to God's leading is to be regularly in prayer for this disciple, that the life of Christ may be formed in them. My investment into this person, especially through prayer, is a most important part of being obedient to Christ, as a disciple-maker. 

What Are Some Important Practices For Me, The Discipler?

Pray Regularly For Those You Disciple

Pray that the life of Christ may be formed in them. Pray for God's protection. Pray the Apostolic Prayers over them and the prayers to strengthen their inner being (F-E-L-L-O-W-S-H-I-P). 

Model For Them What You Teach

Do not depend on teaching alone to establish godly and spiritual habits in them. Walk them through it by actually first modeling how you would do it and then having them do it with you there. Experience it together from beginning to end. 

Revisit/Reteach, Reference, & Apply What You Teach/Model, Over Time

When you have taught concepts, modeled and practiced tools, helped establish healthy habits, etc., make sure you revisit these again in ensuing days, and begin using them from then on in your discipleship meetings. Make reference to them regularly. Do not make the mistake to assume that from one encounter, those habits, tools, or understandings have been deeply rooted and put to good use. If, for example, you teach them to pray, show them how you pray for a particular situation. Then have them put it to use, both with you in your meetings and by themselves.

Help Them See The Big Picture

For everything you cover, help the disciple see the value of it and how it will impact their lives and the lives of the ones they will disciple. Show them how it connects to other truths or practices already covered. They need to understand they are not just learning for themselves but they are also learning things they will pass on to other people they themselves will disciple. 

Integrate And Make Connections (rather than compartmentalize)

For example, when I teach and model the Discovery Bible Study, I make sure the disciples understands that DBS is an excellent tool for learning to hear God (What is God speaking to me through this passage?). Or I can emphasize how memorizing Scripture is so helpful to hearing God for self and for prophesying over people—that God can used these readily available verses to speak in the moment. 

Share Your Own Past Struggles, Insights And Revelations

Help your disciple(s) see the pitfalls in the potential areas they might encounter, such as the ones you encountered in the past. Help them see how God revealed truth to help you overcome and grow from these. Help them develop a paradigm for believers encountering failure, struggles, temptations, etc. Help them value transparency in their walk with God, that it is not about perfection but about honesty and dependency on God. Don't just share your "glory" stories (powerful ways God revealed Himself to you and broke through a trying situation) but specially share your struggles and lessons learned. 

Share What You Are Personally And Presently Doing To Grow

Model a dynamic relationship with God that continues to this day. Is there a unique way you are presently interacting with God's Word? Do you gather with other believers in a discipling or mentoring relationship? Are there people in your life that are holding you accountable in your walk with God? Are you reading a certain book on ministry for your own growth? 

Share What You Are Presently Learning And Obeying From God

Let your disciple(s) know that this Christian walk is not meant to be static (I learned it once and now I got it), but dynamic, in an ongoing process of spending time with God daily and daily submitting to what He is speaking into your life. What is God teaching you these days? What has God been speaking to you or dealing with you, presently? What is a temptation that you are taking intentional steps to overcome?

Demystify What It Means To Be Lead By The Spirit By Sharing Your Own Adventures And Process In This Area

"Since we are living by the Spirit, let us follow the Spirit’s leading in every part of our lives." - Galatians 5:25 NLT

What does "being led by the Spirit" look like? This is what your disciple is wondering. Your sharing of your personal experiences in this area will go a long way to helping flesh out this mystery for them—from the start of you sensing what God was asking of you, to stepping out in obedience and trust in faith (and facing your fears), to either seeing what God did through your steps of faith or still being in that place of faith that God had a purpose even though you may not yet see it. 

What Are Other Key Realities To Keep In Mind When Discipling Others?

Have A Big Picture Of The Discipling Process

Keep in mind the big picture of what you are trying to build in a disciple, to help you track progress in all areas that you are to build up in them. It is always most helpful to see what disciple grids other leaders use for this big picture. Reading these and constantly processing with your own experience, will help you grow in what is needed to make a healthy disciple. Here are some links of big pictures of the discipling process: The Six Marks of a Disciple, A Disciple's Checklist

Get to Know Their Life Story & Sense of Call

Get to know the life story of your disciple. God has done a deep work in him/her. Their experiences of walking with God, both the good and even specially the hard times, are gold. You will understand their motivation, heart passion, and longings, by hearing their story. 

Leverage People And Resources for Their Timely Growth

You are not needing to be a one-stop for everything that your disciple needs. No discipler is a master of everything. Your disciple may need inner healing, or wants to grow in intercession. And these could be areas you are not yet equipped in yourself or in which find you have basic levels of competency. So keep in mind there are plenty of people and local resources both in your church, city, and surrounding areas, that you can leverage to help your disciple grow in every aspect of what it means to be a disciple, and into the specific calling they have on their life. There are also books, trainings, online video trainings, Youtube videos, websites, etc. The ability to provide and/or point the way to what's needed is part of the disciple-making dynamic. But pointing the way demands the ability to discern the quality of what you are offering and the right match for your disciple. Don't offer just anything that deals with the topic of interest or focus. Make sure it is Biblical, quality, and helpful to build a healthy disciple.  

Things To Keep in Mind As One Getting Discipled (Share These With The One You Disciple)

Appreciate the Storehouse of Experience Found In The One Discipling You

God has blessed you with a discipler. This person has a unique experience of walking with God and being shaped and led by Him. They have strengths that you can take from for your own growth. Why did you decide to say yes to being discipled by this person? The answer to this may give you the sense of the storehouse of richness you need to tap into. 

"But you must remain faithful to the things you have been taught. You know they are true, for you know you can trust those who taught you." - 2 Timothy 3:14 NLT

Get To Know Your Discipler's Life Story and Sense Of Call

Get to know the life story of your discipler. God has done a deep work in him/her. Their experiences of walking with God, both the good and even specially the hard times, are gold. You will understand their motivation/drive, their longings, and their heart's passion, by hearing their story. 

"The things you have learned and received and heard and seen in me, practice these things, and the God of peace will be with you." - Philippians 4:9 NASB

"And you should imitate me, just as I imitate Christ." - 1 Corinthians 11:1 NLT

"Join together in following my example, brothers and sisters, and just as you have us as a model, keep your eyes on those who live as we do." - Philippians 3:17 NIV

"For you yourselves know how you ought to follow our example. We were not idle when we were with you, nor did we eat anyone’s food without paying for it. On the contrary, we worked night and day, laboring and toiling so that we would not be a burden to any of you. We did this, not because we do not have the right to such help, but in order to offer ourselves as a model for you to imitate." - 2 Thessalonians 3:7-9 NIV

Honor Your Discipler

Honor your leaders with your time, availability, interest in what you are learning. Open up in transparency and self-disclosure of where you honestly are at spiritually, emotionally, mentally, etc. Share with them your willingness to engage and your steps of obedience to what God has spoken to you, and show eagerness to put into practice what's been asked of you. 

"Dear brothers and sisters, honor those who are your leaders in the Lord’s work. They work hard among you and give you spiritual guidance. Show them great respect and wholehearted love because of their work. And live peacefully with each other. " - 1 Thessalonians 5:12-13 NLT

"Remember your leaders, who spoke the word of God to you. Consider the outcome of their way of life and imitate their faith." - Hebrews 13:7 NIV