
How it is formed and strengthened

Drawn from the book: The Other Half of Church 

by Jim Wilder & Michel Hendricks

The Four Building Blocks Of Healthy Soil INWARD: The Inside Look

What is the transformation we are looking for in discipleship? How do we measure it? Is it that people can do certain spiritual disciplines or do some great works on behalf of His Kingdom? No, these don’t accurately measure true heart change. Look at what Jesus Himself says about these things:

About doing well at practicing spiritual disciplines:

About doing great works for His Kingdom:

 The Pharisees had whole books of the Bible memorized and yet didn’t recognize Jesus nor did they follow or obey Him. Many things they did for personal gain, ignoring certain commandments and teachings from the Bible.

Scripture tells us the goal of discipleship is Christlikeness—becoming like Jesus: 

So how do you measure growth in Christlikeness? 

One best way to tell the true nature of the character of a person is not fully in what they do, but in what they do under instantaneous reactions… before your logical brain engages. It is found in what you do in the heat of the moment.

In brain science, Character is defined as our “instantaneous” reactions to life’s circumstances. Character is revealed by how we act “instinctively” to our relational surroundings.

We start showing transformation in our character when what we say we believe is what comes out spontaneously in our reactions, before our logical brain has time to think.

Jesus naturally reacted to His surroundings with behavior that exhibited kingdom living. His character flowed from His heart. Jesus always acted like Himself in all circumstances:

There was always consistency in what He said, how He acted, and how he reacted.

So character formation is key in discipleship and is primarily what we go after. Ultimately, knowledge, skill and ability, good things we still need and go after, can trick us into thinking someone is truly converted and transformed. But it is character that will inform us best.