When Giving a Prophetic Word

Revelation ➤ Interpretation ➤ Application

A Prophetic Word is Best Divided Into These Three Categories:

Revelation ➤ Interpretation ➤ Application

A. Revelation

What God said (the spiritual raw data)

This is the “Raw Data” initially and spontaneously received from God, before it is processed in any way shape or form.

B. Interpretation

What it means (general sense)

This is where you take the raw data of the initial revelation (however God reveals it to you), and begin processing it in order to come to grasp what God may be saying. Here you ask God to give you greater understanding of what He is speaking to you; You ask God to clarify what He is showing you about yourself or another person or group. One way to help clarify the initial revelation is to ask God for a Bible story, passage, or verse that highlights or brings clarity to what God is speaking.

C. Application

What we do about it, in a particular context; How we package it for delivery to a specific individual or group (specific sense)

"People are different, and, therefore, the same truth may need to be applied in different ways if it's going to benefit the hearer. An application that would needlessly provoke one person may be just right for another. The Holy Spirit must illuminate each step of the process if we are ever to be a blessing to anyone." - Jack Deere.

The processed message must be filtered through Biblical and positive filters in order to prepare it for appropriate delivery by the word-giver, and for optimal reception by the word-receiver:

  1. Does it strengthen, encourage, and comfort? Does it edify the person (build them up)? Does it point towards God’s healing, restoration, and wholeness, for their lives? Does it draw people closer to God? (1st Corinthians 14:3)

  2. Does it lead to faith, hope, and love? Does it call people toward the God of the impossible, where anything is possible for him/her who believes? Does it impart the love of the Father’s Heart? (1st Corinthians 13:13)

  3. Does it lead to qualities that are true, noble, right, pure, lovely, admirable, excellent, and praiseworthy? Does it honor and exalt the character of Jesus? Does it call people to develop the character of Jesus? (Philippians 4:8)

Purpose of the Three Filters in the Application Stage

  • Guard against injuring the tender, guarded, and/or broken human heart of the receiver. Naturally, people will have a harder time receiving correction or having some sin pointed out (especially if it is from someone they don't know, do not know well, or just haven't established a relationship with), than receiving an upbuilding, positive word delivered in love. An example of this approach was done by an angel - spoken to Gideon (Judges 6:12). Gideon was defeated, hiding, and viewed himself as a loser. The angel, instead of pointing out those facts, which would not have been helpful, instead spoke God's heart by calling Gideon, right then and there, "A mighty man of valor." The result? A few days later Gideon carries out risk-taking, brave, and mighty actions that set his people free from the very oppression he fears. No advice, no sermon, no pointing out the problems, just a simple word from heaven about how God feels about that person.

  • Keep the revelation you (the word-giver) have received, from being diluted, polluted, and/or twisted, as it can be processed through your own the brokenness (your own prejudices, biases, hurt, envy, superiority complex, inferiority complex, lack of understanding of God’s ways, and/or unwillingness to embrace God’s heart for the person) instead of being processed through the heart of our loving Father.

Ways You Can End Up Taking Away From The Initial Revelation Received

  • You give a long-winded word that goes on forever. Instead, keep it short and most importantly, make sure you capture the heart of the message that God may be relaying to you.

  • In your word you are giving advice instead of a word from God. Save the advice for when you are officially giving advice.

  • Sounds more like preaching/teaching than a prophetic word.

  • Word is too complex to be understood. If the person can't understand it, what good is it?

  • Word flows out from a desire to flatter the receiver. Flattery is not supernatural revelation, rather, it is a clear sign of immaturity. Watch out against flattery even when there is supernatural revelation. It can be easy to keep going and keep adding when the receiving person shows agreement with what you initially shared. Stick to what you received from God and add nothing else.

  • Word is delivered in a tone that is too intense. Be sensitive to the specific person you are ministering to.

  • Word flow out of your natural senses rather than out of supernatural revelation. In a separate type of ministry such as prayer ministry, you can use your natural senses to ask specific questions for helping you focus your prayers but do not use them to guide your prophetic word (a prophetic ministry). If there's not supernatural revelation, you do not actually have a prophetic word to give. Remember your goal is to speak God's heart for the person, therefore you need supernatural revelation of His heart for this person, not good will.

  • You are trying to impress a crowd rather than to minister to a person. This can lead to giving something when you haven't received anything from God. Pride is a danger in such cases and the Bible is clear to say that pride comes before a fall.

  • Word gets too personal when you do not have a relationship with the person. In general people have a hard time receiving any correction or rebuking from someone who doesn't know them. These same people, on the other hand, have no problem receiving God-given revelation that is positive and builds them up. Keep in mind that some personal words should be delivered privately (not publicly) based on the more personal nature of them. Other revelation of a more personal nature may be given to you by God so that you can begin interceding for a given person (we call this a prophetic prayer burden) privately instead of confronting the actual person.

  • Combining a prophetic word with praying for physical healing, inner healing, and/or deliverance. Keep these separate unless you know the person well and their desires when it comes to these other areas. If doing anything else along with your prophetic word, make sure to ask to verify if the person is interested, needs and wants these other types of ministries (especially for deliverance), and is giving you permission to proceed.