The Four

A Gospel Presentation

a newer, simplified version of the Four Spiritual Laws

Evangelism Gospel Presentations What Is The Gospel? 2 Complimentary Views Of The Gospel

The Four (can choose language)

The Four is an evangelism tool created by CRU (a ministry to college students) in Switzerland, that uses the four symbols above – a heart, division symbol, cross and question mark – to represent the four points of the gospel in a clear and easy-to-remember way.

1. God's LOVES You

God created us for a loving relationship with Him, placing us in a perfect world where everything was whole and harmonious. We lived in peace with God and each other, with the free will to love Him or choose our own path.

God created us to be in a loving relationship with Him. And so in the beginning, He placed us in a perfect world that He had created for us. There was no war, no injustice, and no sickness. Everything was complete and whole. Mankind lived in peace and harmony with God and with each other, and we were given a free will. We had the choice to love Him back or to choose our own way.

2. We Have Chosen To Live APART From God

Unfortunately, mankind turned away from God, choosing our own path and rejecting His love. This rebellion has led to a broken relationship with God and a world filled with lies, hate, jealousy, sickness, and war, leaving us searching for meaning and fulfillment apart from our Creator.

Unfortunately, mankind has decided to go our own way and have turned away from God and His ways. We no longer experience God's love because we ignore Him. We choose to do our own thing, which is to live apart from His will. We have rebelled against Him and have chosen to carve our own path. Instead of being able to live in peace and harmony with one another, we now experience lies, hate, jealousy, sickness and war - the fruit of our own choices. A far worse problem is that the relationship between God and man is broken and we cannot restore that original connection to God.

So now we search for meaning, fulfillment, inner peace and purpose everywhere else but from the one true source of life and meaning - the ONE who created us.

3. Jesus gave everything for you at the CROSS to help you come back into a loving relationship with God

Despite our sin, God's love remains steadfast. He bridged the gap by sending His Son Jesus Christ in human form, who lived a sinless life, died for our sins, and rose from the dead. His victory over sin and death allows us to restore our relationship with God, experience His love daily, discover our purpose, and gain eternal life through faith in Him.

Our sin and our selfish actions do not stop God from loving us. He chose to bridge that divide, the gulf that stood between us and Him. So He even became a human being in Jesus Christ and gave His life for us. He took on the punishment for our sins, which have separated us from Him, a holy God. Jesus lived a sinless life and died a cruel death on the cross. He took our place for our sins, He payed the price for our rebellion. And on the third day He rose from the dead. His victory over sin and death has made the way for us to come back into a loving and personal relationship with God. Through faith in Him we can experience God's love daily,  experience a process of restoration and transformation, discover our purpose here on earth, and have eternal life after death. We get to live with Him forever! 

4. Will You CHOOSE To Follow Jesus?

Our own efforts can never restore our relationship with God; only through Jesus Christ can we find reconciliation. By turning from our sin and trusting in Him as Savior and Lord, we receive the offer of eternal life and a deep relationship with God. Will you choose to follow Jesus and experience His transforming love and guidance?

Our own good deeds and our own efforts will never be enough, will never be able to restore our relationship to God. God has already done everything to show us how much He loves us and desires to commune with us. But there is only one way back to Him: We have to turn to Jesus and accept His provision. We must turn from our sinful, rebellious ways and turn to God. 

Through Jesus Christ He offers us a rich and abiding relationship here and now, and eternal life. His invitation and open arms are ready for you to leave behind your self-directed ways and begin to follow Him. 

We must each respond to Him by placing our trust in Jesus Christ as our Savior and Lord. We don't earn our way back, He made the way possible and offers it to us as a free gift. All we have do is trust and enter in. HE promises to lead us, guide us, and helps us. He is the one who will restore and transform us on the inside, as we step into trusting obedience and intimate relationship with Him. 

Will you choose to follow Jesus?