The Palm Branch Weaver Evangelist

New Orleans Outreach Story

This is Chuck. We met him on his spot near the river walk in New Orleans. He had his table set up to sell his crosses, hearts, and roses, all designs he made out of palm branch material. When we asked him how much for the cross, he said the price, and then added, "Each one has a story, if you want to hear it." We got hooked by his bait comment and asked for the story of the cross he had made. So he proceeded to share the Gospel in the most natural way using the unique design of his cross. His eyes revealed deep humility and a deep love for His Savior and Lord. We were blown away at just how natural he set himself up to share the greatest story ever told - the Good News of Jesus Christ. And this is what he does with his customers. He called himself a palm branch weaver evangelist. 

In this video below, Chuck shares his story of how he got into doing what he does best...

One prophetic word I (Raimer) had received for our outreach team from Lois Olson at PIHOP, was shared that very morning with our team, right before we met Chuck.  The word spoke to the group of this sense of just being yourself and that God would use who we are, in creative ways, for us to connect and share Jesus with people. That each individual person's unique ways of being was a gift in itself to connect and bless specific people, in ways that others in our group might not be able to do. 

Here is the word from Lois Olson:

(The word Lois shared came from an image God gave her of a box chocolates with a guide that tells what’s inside each one) I felt like the Holy Spirit was being your guide to know what was on the inside of people… I felt He was saying I want to give you the words that will speak straight to the heart of each individual, and it isn’t generic. You will know what to say…. People in your team will connect really well with certain ones [in ways that others couldn’t]… the Lord is giving discernment and divine appointments that will lead you to the right people with what He wanted you to say... that your testimony will touch them in a way that somebody else on your team wouldn’t...I felt like God is saying I am the one that can orchestrate that! To help each person know what their spot is and really touch them...

That same day, people in our team felt more freed up to connect with others in their own unique styles and through their own interests and ways of being. They were encouraged to be themselves and see and honor the beauty and gift they brought to specific people, by just being themselves.  

Chuck, a local, was an example to our team of just being yourself and using your own interests and passions to connect and share Jesus with people. His style was using his skill with working with palm branches to weave a story and spark creative interest in our Lord Jesus Christ.