True Stories Of God Speaking To And Through Everyday People

a blog on receiving and delivering prophetic messages

by Raimer Rojas

"But the one who prophesies speaks to people for their strengthening, encouraging and comfort." - 1 Corinthians 14:3

In this blog, I intend to share stories of how God speaks through everyday people to everyday people. God reveals His heart and love, showing how He thinks and feels about others to those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. 

Initially, this blog will feature my personal stories of God speaking through me to others. I also hope to share stories from others who have experienced receiving and delivering prophetic messages in love.

The main purpose of this blog is to demystify "Hearing God." God wants to speak to people both inside and outside the church and uses everyday people to communicate His heart and thoughts. His messages provide strength, encouragement, and comfort. By sharing the many ways God speaks and how these messages are delivered, I hope to clarify this process. These intimate encounters offer a glimpse into God's heart for people, reminding us that although we believe God "so loved the world," we often don't live in that reality due to our busyness and tendency to stay within our own circles.

I pray daily for people, whether at church, at PIHOP (a house of prayer in Pasadena), or in public places. Through these experiences, I’ve witnessed a side of God I hadn’t known before. This blog will share stories of God revealing Himself to people so they may come to know Him, worship Him, and experience the fullness of His love.

One last thing: Western evangelism often emphasizes immediate conversion after hearing the gospel. I believe God meets people where they are, gently drawing them closer step-by-step. I aim to facilitate encounters with the living God that point people to Jesus, allowing for a gradual process, if needed. While I do share the Gospel, I trust the Holy Spirit to awaken people to God’s heart and call, at the needed pace.

My approach is similar to Patch Adams's philosophy: "You treat a disease, you win, you lose. You treat a person, I guarantee you, you'll win, no matter what the outcome." I want encounters with people to leave them desiring more of God and feeling honored and humanized as loved creations of God, not as part of my drive to increase my personal salvation tally.

Recently, a group of us prayed for two college women at a local Pasadena park. After sharing their dreams and allowing us to pray and deliver prophetic words, one girl joyfully said, "We feel so known by you guys!" I replied, "Actually, we didn't know you before this, but God did. He spoke to us about you because He knows and loves you."

This is the power of prophecy, even on the streets. When done in love, it helps people feel known and loved, igniting a desire to know this loving, Living God.