12 Rooms in Your Personal House of Prayer

a devotional prayer with 12 rooms

Praying in the model of the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6:9-13)

a devotional prayer by Jimmy Seibert 

Here's a prayer guide designed to be used every day as you meet with the Lord. Use it to share your heart and move toward an increasingly intimate friendship with Jesus. It's designed with focuses (as modeled by Jesus) and Scripture as you progress through each part of the Lord's prayer. 

1. Family Room

Our Father in heaven

2. Adoration Room

Hallowed be Your name

3. Declaration Room

Your Kingdom come

4. Surrender Room

Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven

5. Provision Room

Give us today our daily bread

6. Forgiveness Room

Forgive us our debts

7. Freedom Room

As we also have forgiven our debtors

8. Protection Room

And lead us not into temptation

9. Warfare Room

But deliver us from the evil one

10. Kingdom Room

For Yours is the kingdom 

11. Power Room

And the power

12. Exaltation Room

And the glory forever. Amen!