The Purpose of Discipleship

Discipleship God's Attributes We Are Called To Pursue Be Holy As He Is Holy

We are to make...

Disciples > Who Make Disciples > Of All Nations

"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age." - Matthew 28:19-20 NIV

The underlying core mission of the church is disciple making

The church is God's plan to help everyone come to faith in Jesus (salvation) 

and become more like Jesus (transformation) 

to the glory of the Father in the power of the Spirit

What is the Goal of Discipleship?

The goal of SPIRITUAL GROWTH is to grow towards spiritual maturity—maturity in Christ. 

The goal of SPIRITUAL FORMATION is to be conformed and transformed into the image of Christ.

The goal of DISCIPLESHIP is to become like Jesus; to grow in Christlikeness.  

The call to making disciples involves teaching disciples to...

1. BECOME Fully Devoted, Obedient Disciples Of Jesus Christ

2. GROW in Christlikeness (The Character Of Christ) - Become More And More Like Jesus

Scripture tells us that the goal of discipleship is Christlikeness—becoming like Jesus. We are not so much trying to be "DOers" of what Jesus said (it is NOT about behavior modification or performance) but "BE-ers," ones who abide in Christ and let the fullness of His Word and being saturate all of who we are.  We are growing in character when what we say we believe and value is what we do and how we act instinctively in our everyday relationships and situations—in all of life's circumstances. We will continue to grow in character but this "inside and outside," "public and private" consistency in how we live is what we seek. Jesus always acted like Himself in all circumstances. This is what we seek to become by spending time with Him, in His Word, with His people, and by doing life with the heart of Jesus in this broken world. 

3. LOVE With A Mature Love

Mature Love = "Full obedience, full agreement, and full participation with all that Holy Spirit is doing on earth under Jesus' leadership." - David Sliker. This definition of mature love is not just about doing loving things to God and others; it is about doing loving things in God's way, with His mind and heart, and in His timing  (For self-reflection, see the words God shared about the true and false disciples in Matthew 7:21-23).

"The central message of Christianity: We've been called into relationship with God so [that, among other things] we may relate more deeply with others... The Christian's call is to relationship, to loving, non-defensive involvement with others." - Dr. Larry Crabb

“The goal of our sanctification is that we place Christ on display in the way we love others.” - Larry Crabb

“Love is not our duty; it is our destiny!” - N.T. Wright

4. PREACH The Good News To All Creation & Bear WITNESS To Jesus Christ (in Word, Character And Deed)

5. MAKE Other Fully Devoted Disciples Who Can Make Other Fully Devoted Disciples

We are to be disciples who make disciples (who can make other disciples). It's not just about our own personal transformation and devotion but also about becoming ones who can pass on everything we got as disciples. We are to teach, train, support, and empower other new believers to do the same with others. 

6. MINISTER in All Kinds Of Contexts, Including Cross-Cultural Contexts Locally And Globally, Making Disciples Of Every People Group  (disciples who are ready, committed, and willing to take the Gospel anywhere and everywhere)

* The Greek word translated nations here has a more specific definition. It is the word Panta Ta Ethne and "refers not only to nation-states but to every ethnicity, every tribe, and  language, and so the mission Jesus gives is to make disciples of all nations everywhere, without distinction. (Steve Addison). And this means that a nation is not fully reached with the Gospel until all ethnic groups within it have at least one church there working to spread the Good News within its people. If so, think of a nation like Nigeria. Wikipedia says that in the one nation of Nigeria there are over 250 ethnic groups and over 500 languages represented!!! Our core mission is to make disciples of every people group.