The Sermon on the Mount

The Character of Christ

Meditating On The Sermon On The Mount As A Spiritual Practice 

I want to recommend one particular Bible target to read: The Sermon on the Mount, Book of Matthew chapters 5-7.

My suggestion is to focus on it for a month or more, where you read the whole 3 chapters (@ 18 minutes), re-read them and continue to meditate on them throughout that whole period. I personally chose to hear it being read to me in different Bible versions (i.e: ESV > NLT > The Message…) over days, again and again. Finally, I also encourage watching some of the video resources below to add to your reflections and understanding. 

Think of The Sermon On The Mount as Jesus’ inaugural address in which he is portraying his vision for his kingdom as he kicks off the beginning of his kingdom breaking forth on earth. In essence, Bible teacher Jen Wilkin says, "Jesus is telling his followers exactly what they can expect, both to redirect wrong expectations and to shape a positive vision of the kingdom." In this sermon we see how Jesus views the blessed life, which as seen for an earthly mindset looks more like a cursed life than a blessed one. "It's clear that to be a devoted follower of Christ will mean the very things Jesus indicated in the Sermon: rejection, persecution and the daily renewal of our commitment to follow where He leads" (Jen Wilkin). So let these sermon truths cause you to think anew and differently about what it means to be a follower of Jesus. 

And let this Sermon on the Mount pursuit lead you to ask a bunch of new questions to consider and ponder:

Consider doing this practice together with your spouse and a group of friends. There's power in doing it with others as  there’s increased insight, accountability, motivation and synergy that magnifies its impact and brings us deeper in understanding and in living out God's call.

Videos Reciting The Sermon On The Mount (Matthew 5-7)

Sermon On the Mount Part 1: Matthew 5-6

Sermon On the Mount Part 2: Matthew 6-7

The Sermon On The Mount - Full Narration

The Sermon On The Mount - Visual Bible, Full Narration

Jesus Prepares His Sermon On The Mount P1- The Chosen

The Sermon On The Mount P2 - The Chosen

Videos On What This Sermon All About

Articles On The Sermon On The Mount

Quotes On The Sermon On The Mount


To Summarize These Quotes:

The Sermon on the Mount stands as a profound call to authentic Christian living and spiritual transformation, offering a comprehensive guide to life in God's kingdom. It invites believers to seriously contemplate the essence of following Jesus Christ, revealing the King and His kingdom and providing a vision of life under God's reign. This sermon depicts the essence of conforming to Jesus, with the Beatitudes reflecting His character rather than serving as a means to earn divine favor. It is a blueprint for radical discipleship that is based on full reliance on God, urging a Spirit-empowered, Spirit-led new way of life. The sermon stresses the necessity of choosing the right paththe way of love (1 Corinthians 13)and embodying heaven’s values here and now, exposing our imperfections, shortcomings and sin while guiding us toward a life aligned with God's heart. It calls for radical vulnerability, dependence on God, and extending grace to others, demanding an inward transformation that serves as a sign of the Kingdom of God breaking into our world. The Sermon on the Mount reveals an invitation to a life of true human flourishing, deeply rooted in the character, grace and love of God.

RENEW Videos: Snippets On The Sermon On The Mount

Part 1: Reaction

Part 2: Jesus

Part 3: Heaven

Part 4: Beatitudes

Part 5:  Kingdom Of Heaven

Part 6: Now But Not Yet

Part 7: It's Not About A Set Of Rule 

Part 8: Dominant Thought

Part 9: Hearing And Doing