a mnemonic for remembering the 5 categories we deal with in inner healing

from book: Freedom Tolls: For Overcoming Life's Tough Problems by Andy Reese

Inner Healing Inner Healing Issues

The acronym WESUD is used to recall the list of 5: Woundings, Entanglements, Sins, Ungodly Beliefs, and Demons.

"WESUD stands for the five kinds of issues we encounter most commonly in ourselves and others. Jesus gave us these categories Himself in the Luke 15 parables: the lost coin (Wounding and pain); the lost sheep (spiritual Entanglements like vows, curses and occult involvement); the prodigal son (Sin and rebellion); the older brother (Ungodly beliefs about God); and the Demonic. All these make up the five most common issues we encounter with others." - Andrew Reese

1. Woundings

Woundings happen to us when people hurt us intentionally and unintentionally, knowingly or not. These woundings are emotional in nature and impact.

The primary ministry approach for wounding is to release wound-based lies compassionately and gently. It is to:

  1. help the person define their pain and the lies they believe

  2. hear truth and release lies

  3. grant forgiveness as appropriate

  4. bless

2. Entanglements

In life, we can get entangled in things bigger or worst than we knew of, thought of, or chose into. What looks safe, or at least not dangerous or threatening, can turn out to be a greater mess than we expected. These problems and complex situations are called entaglements. You get caught up with a person, an organization, a thought, a belief, a religion, a practice, an activity, a habit, etc., that turns out to have opened the door to demonic oppression unwittingly. You did not know the severity of what you were getting into initially, but eventually, you experience the mess you got caught up in—things can blow up in your face! Sometimes, you are born already entangled by the sinful practices of your parents, and the repercussions of your generational line having embraced a particular sin(s) and letting it remain undealt with and deeply entrenched.

Emotional-spiritual entanglements include ungodly soul ties, binding self-vows, false covenants, and agreements with darkness, self curses and external curses, generational iniquity (sin), unforgiveness and its consequences, dabbling in the dark side, etc.

One way to identify a person's entanglements, if you do Sozo, is to think of the major categories in The Four Doors (a Sozo deliverance tool), including all the related issues to each: FEAR, HATRED, SEXUAL SINS, & THE OCCULT.

The primary ministry approach for entanglement is to:

  1. recognize the nature and source of the entanglement

  2. break agreement with and renounce it

  3. let Jesus take or bear it

  4. replace it with truth and a right agreement with God

  5. bless

3. Sins

Sin is not unimportant. It was so important God took care of it Himself. Sin must be confessed and repented of. It is (almost) that simple. Help the person realize that sin is never the issue with God. Jesus dealt with all those sins at the cross. God is not mad at them. Sin does not damn them. And they are helpless to walk things out without God's grace. They have true reconciliation with a Papa who sees them coming from far off and runs to cover them with a robe and give them a ring ... and hold a party on their behalf.

Scripture is clear and unconditional. Sin requires confession, repentance, cleansing and, if appropriate, deliverance. Confession says a person agrees with God's standard and estimate of their mind, heart and actions. Repentance, like forgiveness, flows naturally out of knowing God's perspective on the issue or situation - coming to "our senses."

God has a role in giving grace to hate sin and repent. Believers have a role in keeping themselves under that grace. Cleansing means allowing the blood of Christ to clean this particular area of their lives. Deliverance means taking authority over and casting out demons that entered a person because of the sin.

The primary ministry approach for sin is to repent of sin, to:

  1. recognize the sin and come to an awareness about what it really is

  2. repent of it

  3. receive forgiveness and restoration

  4. bless

4. Ungodly beliefs

Ungodly beliefs refer to any belief that does not align with God's truth—both the truth of His Word and the truth about His character and nature. Ungodly beliefs are based on our perception of circumstances and our paradigms about God, others, ourselves, and the world around us. They can form a distorted foundation on which to build other ungodly beliefs. They begin to grow, aided and abetted by the demonic... They are the hidden motivator for all sorts of life circumstances and behaviors that are unfruitful and even idolatrous. Keys to healing is getting God's perspective on a belief, a situation, or an event that caused a belief to form. To learn more, go to: Ungodly Beliefs

When we heal wounding, undo entanglements, and repent of sin but still feel distant and dissatisfied, ungodly belief is almost always the reason.

The primary ministry approach for the false and ungodly beliefs is to to reveal truth, to:

  1. recognize the ungodly beliefs that interfere with relationship with God and ability to receive from Him

  2. get revelation about the truth

  3. repent (over having embraced a lie)

  4. declare the truth

  5. bless

5. Demons

Demons need something to work with, to feed on—pain or sin, wounding, or guilt. Flies swarm because of, well, because of do-doo. Demons are like those flies. In this kind of ministry, we are after life's doo-doo and, secondarily the demonic. The fly problem often seems to take care of itself when the doo-doo is cleaned up. We always check, and when we find we need to go after the flies, we do. But flies are often not the point...

Demons will remain hidden until we get to their "food source"—the inner lies, entanglements, sin, and wounding upon which to feed and hold; until something stirs them to react; or until they feel they have enough power to be hard to dislodge. The they will make efforts to fend us off, scare us, resist, show off and threaten.

...demons hover over every other issue, adding energy and lies to make them stick and build them into a stronghold.

The primary ministry approach for the demonic is to rebuke and cast out, to:

  1. find the reasons the demonic is present

  2. remove those reasons

  3. assert authority over the demonic to remove it

  4. fill the place of demonic influence with truth and blessing