Praying Over Your Home

Blessing Prayers

Praying Over Your Home

Kim Potter ~ September 29, 2017 ~

This week we have talked about cultivating the presence of God in your home. I believe the Lord wants to have His manifest presence in the home of every born-again believer. I believe He wants His presence to dwell with us, daily. I am sure that is what you want as well. 

Prayer is good. Worship is awesome. Studying the word is vital. All these things are great, however, nothing changes things like the presence of a Mighty God showing up on the scene. When His presence shows up and chooses to abide in your home, everything changes. I have seen it happen over and over again.

Today, I want to share some ‘sample’ prayers with you to pray over your home. As always, allow God to lead you in the way you pray over your home, these are only samples to give you a place to start. 

Sample Prayers to Pray Over Your Home

Keep in mind, this is just a sample, you may want to pray different scriptures over different rooms such as bedrooms, where your children sleep, there are many scriptures that you can apply for sweet sleep and peace…just let the Lord lead you in the way He would have you pray.

This week, we have given you some tools to cleanse your house spiritually and invite the presence of God to make His abode in your home. It is our hope, that He dwells in your home, tangibly from this week forth. We bless you and your home, in Jesus name. 

Prayer for Today: "Father, I thank you for blessing our homes, I thank you for making our homes your abiding place. We are so thankful and we give you praise for this, in Jesus name. Amen."