Options For Small Group Ministry Time

PDF HANDOUT Reference Sheet: Options For Small Group Ministry Time  

Resource Created by Raimer Rojas

Ministering to each other is a key component of group life. We really cannot consider our small group a church family if we are not ministering to each other's needs (feeling their sorrow, praying for their needs, and rejoicing when they rejoice).  To be a loving community we can minister to each other in these powerful ways below that lead us to become more of that healthy, loving community God wants us to be and people need us to be. 


We lift up each other's needs in person, as a group, and in our own private times by ourselves. By remembering the needs and upholding each other in prayer we show we care, value and honor one another.  


[to the person] I thank you (and I thank God) for what you have done in my life  ~  I thank you (and I thank God) for what you have done in the life of others…

[to God] I thank God for doing this in your life…  ~ I thank God for how He is using you…

We enter into gratitude by thanking that person face-to-face for what he/she has done to you or to others. You can thank the person directly, but you can also thank God for that person, as you pray for them, for the things this person has done that has impacted and blessed you or others. 


GRATITUDE expressed directly to the person > "Mary I thank you and thank God for how you have been so hospitable to everyone in this group. Thank you that you have always remembered everyone's birthday and brought a little something to help us celebrate that person..."  

Another practice is to thank God as you pray for that person for what He is doing in their life. 


GRATITUDE expressed to God about what He is doing in the person > "Jesus, I thank You for the way You comforted Jen with Your presence when that traumatic experience happened. She could have reacted out of fear and desperation but in that moment she felt Your peace and was able to instead respond with calmness, patience and wisdom." 


[to the person] I appreciate that you are a ___________ (Ex: encourager to people in our group).

[To God] God, I appreciate that You  are a ___________ (Ex: Faithful Comforter to this person).

We appreciate a person or God for who they are. This is about their character and personality, their thoughts, feelings and emotions that consistently mark who they are. It is about their ways of being and doing life that we so appreciate. 


APPRECIATION expressed directly to the person > "Mary you are a loving, caring, and thoughtful person. Your ways of being make people feel seen, cared for and valued. You are a true blessing to all of us."  

As you become aware of the things God has done for/in this person's life (through their vulnerable sharing or through observation), you can more easily move to appreciation because now you have glimpses of who He. His actions reveal His heart for this person, for His people and often for humanity in general. So appreciate God in this way when ministering to a person, "Jesus, I appreciate that You are a/an _________________"  (state a quality or characteristic of who He is to this person from what He has done).


APPRECIATION > "Jesus, I appreciate that You are the Great Comforter to Jen. You bring Your peace to settle her on the inside with the knowledge that You are always with her. You are the keeper and comforter of her soul. And this is what you do with Your people. You comfort them when they need it."


[to the person]  I bless you with… 

What is a blessing? 

To BLESS is to want and will good to another person and to speak it forth before the presence of God for His backing-power to enact it. 

A blessing prayer is a prayer of faith on behalf of others to a good God we have come to know, love and trust.  We bless others because we trust in His goodness and in His benevolent heart. When you bless someone, let your first thought be, How can my blessing help this person become more secure in God’s love and mine?  We make powerful and effective blessings God wants to answer when they are informed and empowered by Scripture and when they are guided by the Biblical vision of the the abundant life God has for them.

For the record, we don't bless God in the same way we do to people. A blessing to God is best called "praise." This is because we have nothing to add to Him. He is perfect in all His ways. He has no needs. He created us out of His abundance, goodwill, and overflowing love. Our "praise" blesses His heart but meets no desperate need in Him. Unlike needy humans, nothing can be added to perfect Him. 


To Learn more about what a blessing is, go here: The Power Of Blessing


[to the person] I relate to this part of your story… ~ I was really touched/blessed by what you…


[to the person] I encourage you with what I see, think and feel about you, through my natural senses…


[to the person] I encourage you with what I see, think and feel from the heart of God about you, through divine revelation…