a devotional prayer to strengthen your inner being

by Mike Bickle

Ten Prayers To Strengthen Your Inner Being

The acronym F-E-L-L-O-W-S-H-I-P  combines the three main prayer themes of gifts (power), fruit (character), and wisdom (insight) for our inner man (mind, emotions and will), into one prayer list with 10 specific prayer requests. Using this acronym, pray for yourself, your family and loved ones, and over people you disciple, oversee, and/or care about. These prayers are to be prayed over believers. Each prayer focus has a link for Bible verses related to that theme.

"That according to the riches of his glory He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His Spirit in your inner being, so that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith..." (Ephesians 3:16-17a)

F ➪ Fear of the Lord

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, release the spirit of the fear of God into my heart. Release the lightning and thunder from Your Throne to strike my heart (Rev. 4:5) with Your majesty, that I might live in awe before You. Release Your presence and holy dread that makes me tremble before You. Unite my heart to your heart and Word and cause me to delight in the fear of God.

E ➪ Endurance (Patience)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, strengthen my spirit with endurance that I may do Your will with zeal and diligence and that I not quit pursuing the deep things of God. Impart endurance for fasting. Direct my heart into the endurance in which Jesus walked. This is a prayer for strength to follow through in my commitments to God and to fulfill my ministry calling when it is difficult.

L ➪ Love of God

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, pour out Your love into my heart by releasing the influences of the Spirit to give me revelation of Your love for me, that it may overflow in love back to You and to others.

L ➪ Light of Glory

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, let me see the light of Your glory or to encounter the “glory realm”. Give me Holy Spirit encounters (dreams, visions, angelic visitations, manifestations of light, fire, wind) as You gave to Moses, Isaiah, Ezekiel and John (Ex. 33; 34:29-30; Isa. 6; Ezek. 1; Rev. 1). 

O ➪ One Thing Focus

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, strengthen me to maintain a life in Your word with desire for it. When I lose this focus, send Your word to deliver me as You did for the saints at Ephesus, Sardis and Laodicea (Rev. 2:4-5; 3:1-3; 3:15-20). Alert me when I need to recommit my schedule and priorities to live as a person of one thing who regularly sits at Your feet, as Mary of Bethany did. Busyness, guilt and despair cause fervent believers to drift from their fervency. 

W ➪ Worthy of the Call (Faithfulness)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, strengthen me to walk in a way that You would consider me worthy to walk in my highest calling and escape all compromise that I might stand before You victorious in full obedience. 

S ➪ Speech

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, set a guard over my lips. Free me from defensive, angry, and foolish speech (Eph. 4:29; 5:4).

H ➪ Humility

SAMPLE PRAYER: Jesus, I want to learn from You how to walk in lowliness. I commit to take Your yoke of humility (lowliness of heart) on my life in my attitudes, speech, and actions. Give me wisdom on how to carry my heart in humility.

I ➪ Insight Unto Intimacy (Wisdom)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father give me insight into Your Word, will, and ways. Give me wisdom on how to live before You that I may walk in intimacy (union) with You.

P ➪ Peace & Joy

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, strengthen my heart with supernatural peace and joy that overpowers fear and anxiety that I would not sin. Sin grows fastest when fear or anxiety works strongly in us.