What is Discernment?

The general understanding of discernment refers to the ability to perceive and understand things accurately, especially in matters of judgment and decision-making. It involves being able to distinguish between right and wrong, truth and falsehood, and good and evil.

Spiritual discernment, as a spiritual gift, is the specific ability given by the Holy Spirit to believers to recognize and understand spiritual truths and realities. It enables individuals to discern the presence and guidance of the Holy Spirit, to distinguish between genuine and false spiritual experiences, and to make wise and godly decisions in spiritual matters. In the higher level of discernment it is the ability to distinguish the difference between divine motivation, motivations of the flesh (carnal motivations) and/or demonic motivations. Spiritual discernment is essential for navigating the complexities of the spiritual realm, rejecting what is not of God, and living a life that is aligned with God's will.

ARTICLE: 3 Levels of Discernment (goes with video)