The 6 R's Of The Gospel

A Meta-Narrative that has a Gospel Presentation

The 6R's* is just another Gospel presentation that aims to present the gospel clearly by emphasizing our condition and need for a Savior. It reveals how God in His goodness saves His people and how we ought to respond to the goodness of God.

*This Gospel Presentation is based on the 5r's written by Kyle Quevedo. I (Raimer) simply added #1 to it and changed the wording for some of this presentation.

The 6 R's Gospel Presentation

Relationship > Rebellion > Ruin > Redeemer > Repentance > Reconciliation

1. Relationship

At Creation, we were made in God's image to reflect Him and to enjoy a close, blessed and loving relationship with Him.

In the beginning, God created everything and it was a perfect world. He desired a loving relationship with humanity, so He made Adam and Eve in His image and placed them in the Garden of Eden where they enjoyed His loving presence, provision and care. God had set the rules of His created world and as they followed His leadership, they experienced a blessed and abundant life in a close and abiding relationship with God, each other and all of creation.

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2. Rebellion

But we rebelled against God and His leadership and chose defiantly to live life our own way. We rejected the Source of Life and chose instead to determine, through our self-rule, what right and wrong would be.

However, humanity chose to rebel against God's loving rule. Adam and Eve, the first couple, decided they wanted to be like God and so they knowingly disobeyed Him. In rebellion, they decided that they, not God, would determine right and wrong. The Bible calls man's rebellion against God, sin. Sin is our willful disobedience to the Lord of all Creation, the Source of Life, who designed everything according to His wisdom.

Adam and Eve disobeyed God by eating the forbidden fruit, introducing sin into the world. This rebellion disrupted the perfect relationship with God they had, leading to a separation between humanity and their Creator. In the same way, we are also guilty of doing the things we want to do above the things God wants for us to do and be.  We too are rebels. 

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3. Ruin

We then became enemies of God and this has brought us utter ruin.

Self-rule by finite humans with limited knowledge and understanding of the world, God, people and self, is a disaster in the making. The consequences of this rebellion were severe. Since we have rebelled against the holy and just God, we have incurred His wrath upon us. We literally became enemies of God, bringing ruin to humanity, as we became spiritually lost and separated from God. Like a virus, sin entered all creation. It affected every aspect of our lives, bringing death, suffering and pain into the world. Our best efforts couldn't bridge the gap between sinful humanity and a holy God. 

As a result, we live a life we are not designed to live - a life without the presence and help of God. We are living a meaningless and unfulfilled life and are headed in a path towards destruction, that only awaits for a day of Judgment - a day in which we will be given what we have chosen: not just physical death but eternal separation from a loving God who is perfect in every way. Tragically, we have no ability to escape this predicament. We are in utter ruin. 

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4. Redeemer

We therefore need a Savior, which is exactly what God in His goodness sent us through His Son Jesus Christ. 

Since we are in utter ruin, and our rebelliousness cannot be cured by our own strength, we need someone from outside ourselves to save us from our wretchedness. In His great love and mercy, God had a plan to rescue humanity from sin and ruin. And here's the Good News: He sent His Son, Jesus Christ, into the world as the Redeemer, to save us from God's judgment and the death we deserved, and to bring us back to God. 

 Jesus lived the life we were supposed to live and died the death we were condemned to die; Jesus lived a sinless life, died on the cross, and rose from the dead, paying the price for humanity's sins. On that cross he exchanged our rebellion for his obedience to God the Father, our brokenness for his perfection. And he offers salvation and the opportunity to restore our broken relationship with God, by bridging the gap between God and humanity.

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5. Repentance

Our proper response to our rebellion and utter ruin this has brought us is repentance of our sinful ways and the turning to God in trust through a surrendered life under His leadership.

A person who has understood his/her rebellion and utter ruin will be desperate for the Redeemer. That person who has truly understood all of what the Redeemer has done for him/her would be filled with thanksgiving and respond with repentance. Repentance means turning away from our sins and turning to God and his ways. Since our ultimate sin is rebellion against God, true repentance would be to receive God's free gift of forgiveness and salvation, one we could never earn through our efforts and performance, and pursue a surrendered life under the leadership and divine help of God.  

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6. Reconciliation

When we repent of our sins and receive His forgiveness, we become a child of God, our relationship with Him is fully restored, and we are being transformed to become more and more like Him, through His indwelling Holy Spirit.  

Through faith in Jesus Christ and repentance, individuals will experience reconciliation with God. That repentant person is no longer a rebel but becomes a child of God. This means being restored to a loving and harmonious relationship with Him. God forgives our sins through Jesus' sacrifice, and His Holy Spirit empowers us to live according to His will. We are being transformed more and more to become like Him. From now on, we will no longer be separated from God but enjoy, delight and worship Him in an abiding, life-giving fellowship... in this world and for all eternity. 

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