Bite-Size Relational/Spiritual/Light Healing Practices For Small Group Use

These Bite-Size 5-15 minute practices can be done during small group time for growing in relational skills, experiencing deeper intimacy with God,  and to walk someone into emotional healing. 

The Practice of Thanksgiving & Appreciation

These are relational/spiritual practices that help us cultivate gratitude and appreciation of God. Practicing them regularly (alone or with another person) helps us establish these great spiritual habits that go a long way to deepen our intimacy with God and in the process, make us a more resilient and joy-filled disciples of Christ as we face life challenges in this broken world.

They help us grow to become more…

List Of Bite-Size Relational, Spiritual & Light Inner Healing Practices For Small Group Use

Spiritual Practices 

Light Inner Healing Tools - Use these tools when someone in your group is ready and most willing to walk through the steps to break agreement with the lie or promise made in their past that is ungodly in nature. 

Shifting Our Gaze From Our Negative Life Narrative To The Beauty Of Christ 

I want to share some thoughts as I emphasize these and other spiritual practices needed for growing in intimacy with God, and in building up emotional and cognitive capacity to face the challenges of life in this broken world with joy-filled hearts and a valiant resilience: 

Our issues and sense of being stuck in the negative narrative of our lives will never be solved by our own “self-effort” of  thinking, processing and ruminating over the problems. We only sink down deeper into that mire, more and more.  

Elijah saw himself as the “only” one who was representing God faithfully to the people of Israel. That was his “distorted” perception. And God had to speak some truth into this so called, “prophet of God.” God literally says, “Nope, there are actually 7,000 who have not bowed their knees to Baal. You are not the only one. Give up your pity party.”

God has actually blessed us with so much already His Word says. He has given us everything we need for godliness (2 Peter 1:3-8; ) as we are blessed in the heavenly realm with every spirit gift needed (Ephesians 1:3-15). He is basically saying, “All we need is  to take our eyes off of the storms of life and look to Him—to contemplate His beauty, power and glory. He will take care of the rest!”

To Martha of Bethany, He says, “Martha, Martha you are worried and upset about many things but only one thing is necessary.” Of her sister Mary he says, “[she] has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken from her.” What was this one praiseworthy thing that she chose? Sitting at the Lord’s feet and listening to Him undistracted. Yes. But more importantly it is her posture of laying aside any personal worries, concern and tendencies towards people-pleasing, navel-gazing, of hiding behind walls of self-protection and of perseverating in spiraling thoughts of one’s negative life narrative, and instead turning to the Creator and Author of All of Life with eyes and ears fully focused on Him. This is for what she is being extolled. Not trying to impress others to win their approval and favor but of letting Jesus be impressed on her heart. 

“We become what we behold; we imitate what we truly love.”

This is what He calls us to do, as well. Nothing short of it will suffice. Augustine said, “You have made us for Yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they find their rest in You.”