C-O-U-R-A-G-E Prayer

a devotional prayer

a prayer for courage to faithfully obey and follow our Lord Jesus Christ

“Be strong and courageous. Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." - Joshua 1:9

C ➪ Communes with God (Intimacy)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Lord, I desire to spend time with You and to know You more, in all Your mystery and wonder. Lead me into Your presence that I may behold You as You are. May I be rooted and grounded in Your love as I spend time with You. May Your Word come alive. May my prayers be enriched as I experience You more and more. Take me, teach me, free me, heal me, and transform me into the person You have designed me to be.

O ➪ Obey’s God’s Voice (Word of God, Spirit Led)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, I thank You that You desire to speak to me every day and to walk in the confidence of being led by Your Spirit. Guide me in spirit and in truth to obey Your Word faithfully and wholeheartedly.  I seek to hear from You everyday for instruction. Teach me, rebuke me, correct me, and train me that I may walk in righteousness, blameless before Your eyes. Cause me to hear Your voice with ever growing clarity and accuracy. And lead me to bless others with the very words You have put on my heart for them.

U ➪ Undivided Heart (Godly Character, Purity, Integrity)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, help me to guard my heart from the influences of this world and the people around me. Help me not to be deceived by the devil and his lies. Through Your Spirit, reveal to me the true thoughts and intentions of my heart. Any tendency to go wayward or embrace wickedness, be exposed by the light of Your truth. Cause me to walk steadfastly in Your ways and not veer off from Your paths. I desire to grow to become more and more like Christ, in character, purity, and integrity. Help me to operate in Your love and with the fruit of the Spirit. 

R ➪ Responsible Steward (Service, Vocation, Ministry, Outreach, Mission)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, I want to be a responsible steward in all I do. I seek to be faithful with the things You are doing in me, speaking to me, and over which you have put me in charge. Guide me into using my time, talents/gifts, treasure, energy, and focus to glorify You. Help me to be a vessel for Your presence and glory to flow through me to bless others, whether at home, work, or out and about in the city.   

A ➪ Accountable Relationships (Fellowship, Christian Community, Discipleship)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, help me to be devoted to the Body of Christ and to the brothers and sisters You have placed in my life. May we encourage one another in our walk with You, to love You and to love people. May Your word dwell richly in us and be on our lips, as a community of believers. May we help one another grow, carrying each others burdens, confessing our sins to one another, pointing out each others flaws and weaknesses, in love, for mutual growth. Use brothers and sisters to mature us in our faith, that we may become fully devoted followers of Jesus Christ. 

G ➪ Glorifies God (Worship, Prayer)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Father, may my words pour out thanksgiving for what You have done in my life, and appreciation and praise for who You are. May your spirit continually remind me from what You called me (the kingdom of darkness), and into what You have called me (The Kingdom of Light). Cause my praises to be the outflow of that deep work You have done deep in my heart. In all I do and say, let it all be done for Your glory.

E ➪ Eternal Perspective (Kingdom of God Mindset)

SAMPLE PRAYER: Lord, I want to be a person who walks by faith and not just by sight. May I always seek your Kingdom here on earth, for your will to be done and for your ways to be established. May I not be so lost in my own needs and wants that I forget You, losing track of Your desires for my life and for this world. May the cares of this world fade away and Your kingdom and Your will become my focus, passion, and mission.  May I usher more and more of Your kingdom through my prayers, deeds, and lifestyle.