Sin, Transgression, & Iniquity

Word Studies

What Is Sin Sin, Trasgression, & Iniquity Original SinWhy We Actually Sin Our Sin Pattern

Videos On Sin, Iniquity and Transgression 

(The words as used in Scripture) 

The word SIN, as translated from the Hebrew word "Khata" and Greek word "Hamartia" means to fail or fall short of the goal. Sin is moral failure.  Sin is a failure to be humans who fully love God and others; it is our inability to judge whether we are succeeding or failing; it is that deep, selfish impulse that drives much of our behavior. 

The word TRANSGRESSION, is translated from the Hebrew word "Pesha/Pasha" and Greek word "Paraptoma." Transgression captures the breaking of trust between one person or group with another (the betrayal of a relationship); the violating the universal trust that exists between all humans who are made in the image of God (a betrayal of humanity);  and the violation of trust with God (a betrayal of our relationship with God and each other).  

The word INIQUITY, is translated from the Hebrew word "Avon/Avah" and Greek word "Anomia." Iniquity is crooked or distorted behavior and the crooked consequences that come to those who commit iniquity. God therefore lets people sit in the crooked consequences of their choices (they are to bear their iniquities). But God's desire is to take crooked people and the crooked world we have created and to make everything right, through His Son Jesus Christ.