Fresno Outreach

Dec. 26, 2018 - Jan. 2, 2019

Discipleship School, Fall 2018

D-School Team from Epicentre Church

Street Outreach in Fresno

In Fresno, we went to the people in the streets, knocked on doors, encountered them in coffee houses and in restaurants. We listened to them, encouraged them, loved on them, prayed for their needs/healing, and shared our testimonies and the Gospel. We prayed and interceded for a move of God in Fresno. And we got to take a few people from Fresno to minister with us, throughout the city.

Sarah, the Trailblazer

Sarah, a local believer we met at a coffee shop and for whom we prayed, was definitely impacted by our ministry. She felt revitalized in her faith after coming out with us to do outreach, and began testifying about the experience to her friends, over several Instagram stories!

Jon Jo & Korean Youth Group

Youth Pastor Jon Jo joined our team for morning worship and intercession and went out with us to do street outreach. We joined his youth group on a Saturday night and led them in games, fellowship, worship, a talk by Josh Patingo, and prayer ministry.  

The Hmong People

The Hmong people are an ethnic group in East and Southeast Asia, which includes the mountainous regions of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. 

The Fresno Hmong community, along with that of Minneapolis/St. Paul, is one of the largest two urban U.S. Hmong communities. As of 1993 the Hmong were the largest Southeast Asian ethnic group in Fresno. As of 2010, there are 24,328 people of Hmong descent living in Fresno, making up 4.9% of the city's population. - Wikipedia

"The religious practices of the Hmong exhibit both shamanism and animism.

Shamanism is a religious system in which a shaman — also known in the West as a medicine man — serves as a medium between the spirit and physical worlds. The shaman normally helps others communicate with spirits, including the spirits of dead ancestors.

Animism is a religious system in which adherents understand that most things in the physical world have spirits or souls. A spirit is said to animate the object. The spirits are believed to cause natural and supernatural phenomena to occur." -

VIDEO: The Hmong New Year Festival on ABC News (Fresno,CA)