We are privileged to be able to engage in the actual practice of Bible reading because it allows us to directly interact with God's communication to us. When we read the Bible ourselves, we have the opportunity to hear God's voice and understand His message firsthand. Listening to a sermon or relying on someone else's interpretation of the Bible can be helpful up to a point, but it is not a substitute for personal engagement with the actual text. We are accountable to the words of God, not to the interpretation of our friends. Reading the Bible ourselves allows us to develop a deeper understanding, build a personal relationship with God, and discern His truths for ourselves. It is the entry point that enables us to then study, reflect and meditate on the Scriptures, which leads to a more intimate and transformative experience with God.

Videos On Bible Reading

The whole point of reading the Bible is to encounter Jesus - to abide and commune with the living person of Jesus Christ.

Reading the Bible is an action I do but there's also a supernatural reality when we open His Word.

We are forgetful people and we tend to take for granted the Bible and our religious freedom. 

Quotes About Bible Reading

The issue is how you think about reading your Bible and praying. It's all too easy to think of them as primarily about the transfer of information. We read the Bible hoping to learn some new truth about God that will add to the sum total of our knowledge. And we pray to convey information to God. A list of things we like him to do. But reading the Bible and praying are much more than these. And if we can embrace that more then we will look forward to them with anticipation. The secret is to see them as opportunities to enjoy a relationship with God.  The Bible is a relational book. It's purpose is to create and deepen our relationship with God.  It's not a quick reference tool. It's a place where we hang out with God and get to know Him.... Conversations are not just about conveying information... They are also about building relationships.  The Bible is no different. It's not a book to raid for a few facts about God. It's a means of communion. - Tim Chester

When the Bible is read something happens... God speaks. In every word, we can enjoy the Spirit's voice, right here, right now... The Bible is an accurate record of what God has said and done. But it's more than that.It's alive. It's the living voice of God. The Spirit that worked in the hearts of the writers of the Bible to ensure what they wrote is God's Word is the same Spirit that works in the hearts of readers of the Bible to ensure what we hear is God's Word.  The Bible is also active. It's doing something. It's busy. God is at work when the Bible is read. At creation God spoke and through His words He brought order, light and life. And today when God speaks through His Word He orders the chaos of our life, brings light to our darkness and creates life to our lives. - Tim Chester

Articles & Links On Bible Reading