
Assessment Team Trip

May 29-June 6, 2021

Purpose of Trip (Pre-Trip Write Up)

In times of crisis and disaster, God opens a unique window for us to respond to both the physical, emotional, and spiritual needs of people. On April 9, a volcano erupted in St. Vincent Island in the Caribbean, and covered the Island of Barbados in a sudden dark as night fall of ash that has lasted to today!

Although St. Vincent protocols are high, there are open doors to Barbados with both lower Covid protocol and a fellow Epicentre church member, Mary Roberts, whose family is from Barbados.

A small team sent out by Epicentre Church will soon be going there to assess where God may be working in a time such as this. Mary Roberts, Kimberlie Morales, Boon Ng, and Raimer Rojas  will be part of this team. We will be prayer walking/prayer driving, interceding, talking with people impacted and with local leaders/churches, in order to gauge the depth of trauma experienced, and possible receptivity to the gospel after this and the Covid crisis. Our findings will help inform Epicentre's crisis response team and other missions teams from the Antioch Movement.

We don’t want to miss the small window we have after a significant crisis like this, so we are heading out rapidly to get there in time while people are still processing and looking for relief and hope from all they experienced.

Keep us in your prayers!

Words Our Team Received About Barbados

May 30 (Boon)

(Raimer) During our worship time I was sensing God’s desire to gather the exiles and the prodigals, those who have NOT felt at home in traditional churches; those who feel on the outskirts of church but who know or feel that this is NOT the more God has. They feel there’s more to God than they have seen or heard and are longing for it, hungering for it; those longing for a purity of worship in spirit and in truth, and for an honesty, humility and transparency in Christian community; those longing for a burning passion for Jesus in the midst of the gathering of His saints.

“I will also bless the foreigners who commit themselves to the Lord, who serve him and love his name, who worship him and do not desecrate the Sabbath day of rest, and who hold fast to my covenant. I will bring them to my holy mountain of Jerusalem and will fill them with joy in my house of prayer. I will accept their burnt offerings and sacrifices, because my Temple will be called a house of prayer for all nations. For the Sovereign Lord, who brings back the outcasts of Israel, says: I will bring others, too, besides my people Israel.” - ‭‭Isaiah‬ ‭56:6-8‬ ‭NLT‬‬

June 7  (Raimer) 

Woke up early this morning, 6/7/2021, now back in LA, around 6:45am EST with these lyrics in mind (Holy by Jesus Culture): 

Just one look from your face

Just one glance of Your eyes

My whole world is changed

My whole world is changed

Oh I seek only to see Your face

I don't wanna go anywhere without You God

Without Your presence

Oh let me see Your face

The beauty of Your holiness God

Take me into the holy place

This will become my new prayer for Barbados from this prophetic sense that came over me: 

God is causing divine encounters with Jesus, for the people of Barbados, not just through what He does to them in tangible ways from the outreach of bold, empowered believers (healing, prophetic words, experiencing His peace, His love, etc..) but also, and in particular, in Him opening their eyes to the beauty of Jesus. May from these Bible stories of hope shared and from their own opening of the Bible to read and meditate on His Word, be a divine release of a new and fresh vision-view of Jesus. 

I see these holy encounters releasing personal steps and strategies towards each person’s deep transformation, and a life-giving fire to pursue Him wholeheartedly and without hesitation—without shame or intimidation. “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.” - ‭‭Philippians‬ ‭2:13‬ ‭NLT‬‬

Some of The Many People We Ministered To In Barbados

Prayer Points

🙏🏼 Lord, we bless those people of which we have encountered and ministered to, both from our team and from the continuing work with Mary Roberts. We ask that you would answer the prayers spoken over them and continue to work in their hearts. Lord, release healing, increase their ability to sense and hear Your voice, and bring Holy Spirit conviction. Bring them to a thriving faith that brings glory to You. 

🙏🏼 Lord, release divine encounters with Jesus, for the people of Barbados, opening their eyes to the beauty of Jesus. We ask for a divine release of a new and fresh vision-view of Jesus. May Jesus be magnified!!!

🙏🏼 Lord, gather the exiles and the prodigals into Your house of prayer. Give them a place and a voice for what they bring to the Body. Prepare Your church to receive them and to hear and value what they bring. 

🙏🏼 We ask that You would lead Mary Roberts and other locals believers to God-prepared people who are already stirred up for the more You have for them. Activate them for Kingdom work!

🙏🏼 Lord, break the people of Barbados out of the molds of this world - from any and every tradition, religious, familial and personal expectation, and from worldly expectations. Help them to seek you in humility and reliance on You alone. 

🙏🏼 Lord, we pray against the enemy's blatant use of fear to keep people in bondage and in (generational) strongholds (fear, intimidation, etc). We release Your peace and Your power to break strongholds of the mind! 

🙏🏼 Lord, we pray for divine protection, spiritual covering, and divine wisdom, stategy, and power for Mary Roberts who is staying in Barbados to continue the work that's been started. We bless all Kingdom workers with divine protection. 

🙏🏼 Lord, we pray for the government of Barbados, for righteousness, truth, and justice to be upheld. May this island stand on the truths of Jesus, and in submission to Him. In the mighty name of Jesus, we proclaim you as Lord over Barbados.  

🙏🏼 Lord, we come against the powers of darkness in this land that keep people from seeing the light of the gospel that displays the glory of Christ. Let Your light shine to open eyes to see You!

About the Volcanic Ash that Showered Barbados on April 9