Outreach Tools

by Raimer Rojas

As we step into equipping individuals and groups in evangelism, we should consider the various tools we can add to our outreach tool belt to enhance our ability to minister to the people we encounter outside of church.

As leaders of groups, ministries, and churches, we need to be committed to not just train and have people practice these tools, separately and individually, but also to create a culture of outreach within our ministries and churches—a place where we model and inspire reaching out to the lost and those in need.  

Below are eleven main tools to add to our outreach tool belt...

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1)  Gospel Presentation 

Readiness to present the Good News of Jesus Christ in clear, Biblical and winsome ways.

WEBPAGE: Collection of Various Types of Gospel Presentations (recommended: 3 Circles) - The goal is to learn at least one Gospel presentation for outreach readiness. After that, exposure to other Gospel presentations will help you deepen your understanding of the Gospel message.  When you have a a solid grasp of this you will have an easier time personalizing the Gospel truth to the recipient, based on their needs, misunderstandings, and questions.   

2)  Testimony Of Your Conversion

Readiness to share your story of how you came to know Christ yourself, entered into an enriching relationship with Him,  and how it has been transforming your life ever since.

WEBPAGE: Sharing My Testimony (15-Sec Testimony) - Keep in mind that the goal of the 15-sec testimony is to have a full grasp of the basic structure of your conversion testimony. From this foundation you will be able to tailor-make a sharing of it, based on the amount of time given to share it. Sometimes this window is only 15-seconds long, as people are in a hurry. Other times you have longer slots of interest to hear your story.  Whatever the case, an establish basic structure of it makes you ready for whatever windows of opportunity show up in that moment. 

3)  Everyday Story Of God At Work In Your Life 

Readiness to communicate a related story of something God did in your life that displayed His love, goodness, mercy, etc. to you. 

These are the stories of how God continues to transform your lifeyour thinking (mind), your heart, your actions, and your purpose. This readiness includes being a steward of the collection the many stories you have experienced in your daily walk with God. It is about awareness of God's work in your life, personal reflection and review to help recall and solidify these stories in your mind, and sensitivity as to when to share these. 

4)  Stories Of Hope 

Readiness to orally share a Bible story of Jesus bringing hope to broken people. 

WEBPAGE: Stories of Hope & the Seven Signs of John - These stories are perfect stories to orally share on the streets. Get to know the stories so well you can share them spontaneously when the opportunity presents itself. 

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5)  Spiritual Breakthrough & The Salvation of the Lost  (in preparation for going out on outreach)

Readiness to pray for divine help to sow the seed of the Good News and to be ready and able to winsomely lead the lost to Christ. Pray before you go!

6)  Felt Needs

Readiness to pray for people's needs and problems they are facing.

7)  Physical Healing

Readiness to pray for physical healing.

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 8)  Listening Ear to People's Problems, Concerns, and Worries

Readiness to hear out those in need and show care and compassion.

9Bible Verse 

Readiness to share a Bible verse, from revelation,  to strengthen, encourage and comfort

10Blessing Prayer

Readiness to give a blessing prayer, in the name of Jesus.

WEBPAGE: Blessing Prayer - learn more about a blessing prayer

11)  Word of Affirmation

Readiness to see the good in people, with your own eyes and natural senses, and to speak it out to them as affirmation

12)  Prophetic Word or Word of Knowledge

Readiness to hear divine revelation of what's on God's mind and heart for others, with your spiritual eyes and spiritual senses, and to share it with them with sensitivity, humility, and grace.

Advice for an Outreach Tool Trainer

These tools are passed on to others, one tool at a time, by…