Fresno Outreach

June 15 - June 22, 2019

Discipleship School, Spring  2019

Our D-School Team from Epicentre Church

Street Outreach in Fresno

In Fresno, we went to the people in the streets, knocked on doors, approached people in stores and malls, and encountered them in coffee houses and in restaurants. We listened to them, encouraged them, loved on them, prayed for their needs/healing, and shared our testimonies and the Gospel. A few were led into relationship with Jesus Christ, and many were ministered to through listening, prayer, healing prayer, and prophetic ministry. We also interceded for a move of God in Fresno. And we got to take a few people from Fresno to minister with us, throughout the city. The pictures below are just a few of many encounters we had during this week-long outreach. 

Sarah, the Trailblazer

This is Sarah, a local believer we met at a coffee shop 6 months ago on a previous D-School Outreach. She joined us this time for group worship, outreach, connected us to a key local non-profit organization leader, and sang worship songs with us at KuppaJoy coffee house. 

Sarah made this video 6 months ago, inspired from our first outreach visit to Fresno

Worship/Prayer Service at Jon Jo's Church 

Pastor Jon Jo, working with the English congregation at a Korean church, was also a previous contact from our first Fresno visit 6 months ago. We joined his Wednesday night service and got to lead worship. Raimer led a talk on prayer and a listening prayer activity where we listened for what God was saying over Fresno. At the end of this, we got to do prayer/prophetic ministry over those who came. One person in the congregation accepted the Lord and others were touched and blessed by the presence and power of God.   

We met with, prayed for, and /or trained pastors, ministry leaders, and other believers

 DBS with Oscar, a community leader (Martin Park)

DBS with Jose & Gina, leaders in their church and community

411 Training with Oscar and our team

DBS with Peruvian lady (Uber driver)

Lunch with Pastor Ron and Wife from Life Ministries Church

Worship with Oscar and our team

Prophetic prayer for Oscar

Fellowship with the Revitalize Church team

Service/Ministry to Local Syrians

Syrian kids at a local non-profit organization where some in our team spent some volunteer hours

Syrian kids at a local non-profit organization where some in our team spent some volunteer hours

A Syrian family that invited some in our team, for food and fellowship 

A Syrian family that invited some in our team, for food and fellowship 

Syrian locals who invited our team for food and fellowship

Syrian locals who invited our team for food and fellowship

The Hmong People

The Hmong people are an ethnic group in East and Southeast Asia, which includes the mountainous regions of China, Vietnam, Laos, Cambodia, and Thailand. 

The Fresno Hmong community, along with that of Minneapolis/St. Paul, is one of the largest two urban U.S. Hmong communities. As of 1993 the Hmong were the largest Southeast Asian ethnic group in Fresno. As of 2010, there are 24,328 people of Hmong descent living in Fresno, making up 4.9% of the city's population. - Wikipedia

"The religious practices of the Hmong exhibit both shamanism and animism.

Zua, a Homng young man who works at a local grocery store. Both of his parents are Shamans.

Ciao is a Hmong businesswoman. She married a nominal Christian man and says because of it, she says she can no longer go back to her old beliefs. She longs for covering and to be plugged into a Christian church.