5 Signs of a Mature Prophetic Ministry

by Jeremiah Johnson

A lifestyle of accountability and healthy mentoring/fathering is required to operate at high levels consistently in the Spirit. Remember, non-accountable relationships mean that we develop a life in God without applying truth to ourselves. We can never be in control of our own accountability without being soft on our own immaturity and carnality. 

5 Ways to Grow in MATURITY as a Prophetic Person

- Jeremiah Johnston Facebook post

1. Seek constant feedback from the prophecies you give and have a hunger for personal input from leaders. 

2. Develop a solid track record with regard to accuracy, humility, and teachability. 

3. Earn the privilege to prophesy in public meetings by your Christlikeness. 

4. Be sensitive to any form of personal manipulation and control in the words you release. Test the spirit of your own prophecy. Apply the tests to your own word before you release it. 

5. The outcome of your prophetic ministry in a body of believers is not to be seen as a threat or liability but as an asset and tremendous blessing from the hand of the Lord

5 Ways to Stay in IMMATURITY as a Prophetic Person

- Jeremiah Johnston Facebook post