Discovery Group Format 

For Discipleship in Small Groups and in Discipleship Units

Discovery Bible Study Reproducing Disciples Training


These PDFs below provide a very practical structure to guide either your discipleship meetings or small group gatherings. The Discovery Group Format can be divided into 3 parts, where you "Look Back" to reflect on how the week went, "Look Up" to focus on what God wants to say through a Bible Study or Biblical Meditation, and then "Look Ahead," in terms of setting personal goals for the coming week. 

You will find below three different versions of the Discovery Group Format to serve the needs and growing maturity of the people to which you minister (pre-believers > new-believers > mature believers). To go along with the Discovery Bible Study you would do with people in varying levels of faith or lack of faith, you can use the Discovery Bible Study Sets web page for options of Bible passages you can use or DBS sets you can cover over weeks.    

PDFs: Pre-Believers v1  >  New Believers v2 (Español) >  Mature Believers v3 (Handout v3) 

Using This Discovery Group Format As A Consistent Structure To Your Discipleship and Small Group Meetings Will...