Sharing My Testimony

15-Second Testimony

When you are only given little time to share

Think of the “15-Second Testimony” as a skeleton that allows you to flesh out our testimony, depending on context.

Sometimes we will only have 15 seconds to share our testimony. People are in a hurry and are only giving us so much time. But at other times we are given more time: 30 seconds, 1 minute. Still yet the interest in people could be for more details, so 2,3,4,5 or more minutes are possibilities, depending on the right context. 

Getting our 15-sec testimony down gives you the structure that you can use to flesh out longer testimonies, as interest allows. 

EXAMPLE: My Personal 15-Sec. Testimony

There was a time in my life when I was directionless and rebellious, making a mess of things.  I finally embraced God's love and His full leadership over my life. Since then God has given me a new purpose for living, which is to enjoy life with Him and be a blessing to others. Do you have a story like that?

Other Types of Testimonies to Share

When you have more time to expand on your story

The 15-sec testimony, above, is one type of testimony geared for people on the go, who may not have time to listen to you for longer. But you should also see this short testimony format as a 'skeleton' of your testimony. There will be times when people will have more interest, give you more attention, and when they want to hear more details, with greater time set aside for it. As a skeleton of your testimony (15-sec), you can now put more flesh on it, as the person you are sharing it with allows. Can you tell your testimony in 15 seconds? How about 30 seconds? 1 minute? 3 minutes? 5 minutes? How about 15 minutes or 30 minutes? These are all legitimate realities in ministry. You Therefore want to be ready for whatever scenario comes your way. Those who want you to go deeper will appreciate it. So take time again and again to reflect on your testimony and practice sharing it in various time length opportunities. Below are resources to help you reflect on your testimony in greater detail.     

Your Testimony Can Be...