EXERCISES: Growing in HESED Love for God

The Four Building Blocks Of Healthy Soil INWARD: The Inside Look

Exercises to Grow in HESED LOVE for GOD

EXERCISE #1: I AM Metaphors Used by Jesus

  1. Chose one "I AM" metaphor used by Jesus to tell us exactly who He is and why His life is so important for our present and our eternal destiny:

    • I am the Bread of Life - John 6:35, 6:27, 6:33

    • I am the Light of the World - John 8:12

    • I am the Gate for the Sheep - John 10:7

    • I am the Good Shepherd - John 10:11; Ezequiel 34:12; Psalm 23

    • I am the Resurrection and the Life - John 14:6

    • I am the True Vine - John 15:5

  2. Spend two minutes in silence in the metaphor - Use your imagination. We are not so much thinking (left brain activity) as we are watching and experiencing (right brain experiences). Then meditate on this picture Jesus gave us of who He is to us. Allow yourself to feel His love for you through the metaphor.

  3. Write down any emotions/feelings, thoughts and insights - How did you experience the love of Jesus through the metaphor?

  4. Share your insights with others - in the group (if done in a small group) OR later on with friends